The Four Phases of the 8-Track Mind

by egnekn

From 8-Track Mind, Issue 86


I would like to share with you the knowledge I received from the universe concerning 8-Track Mind while riding the subway home from work (late at night). It came to me in a flash. Earlier in the day I was reading the latest issue of 8-Track Mind and I missed my stop. But that's another story. So I got this flash and I took out a pen and scribbled down what I later deciphered to be The Four Phases of the 8-Track Mind. When I read them out loud to myself they rang so true for me that I realized this must be universal knowledge for all people. I haven't needed or bothered to talk to anyone about it. I just know it. And so I want to share it with the world.


Phase I: Clueless (Rewind)

You know they exist-even if it's only a vague knowledge-but you never really thought about them or, if you are older and still not dead, you haven't thought about them in a long time. Or you may be oblivious to any conscious knowledge of them. Like a distant dream, if you thought about it you couldn't be sure if you remember it or not, but you don't even think about it. You may even like to go to yard sales, goodwill, salvation army, thrift stores, the whole bit - maybe even to buy records-but you don't even notice the 8-tracks. Or if you do, you just pass them by without a thought as you would a box of clothes marked "Not Your Size." Unfortunately, for some people this phase can last indefinitely.


Phase II: Sudden Illumination (Fast Forward)

Awakening to the 8-Track Mind is never gradual. It is always sudden. Like a bolt of lightening. Like the insertion of the cartridge into the player there is no fade up. Suddenly it's "in there" and playing. This sudden illumination to the 8 Track Mind can also be subtle. As subtle as the sound of the great "program change." It happens, and then you're into a new program. Why or how is unexplainable. It just happens. It can happen while walking down the street or driving in a car or maybe by reading your first issue of 8-Track Mind or maybe somebody gives you a cartridge (and a player). Maybe you impulsively buy a player at a yard sale for no other reason than it looks cool and it only costs 2 bucks? How it happens isn't as important as the fact that it happened. You are introduced to 8-Track Mind and the entire world and universe will never be the same again.


Phase III: Fruition (Play)

The seed that was planted in Phase I grows like an unruly weed and you embark on a mission to discover or re-discover 8-tracks. You read all past issues of 8-Track Mind. You start revisiting old salvation armies and thrift stores you know with new eyes and discover what you never saw before. Boxes of 8-tracks! You find titles you always wanted, some you never of heard of. You even buy ones in crap condition that obviously won't even play but you don't care because you like the cover. You begin to question digital technology and if you have a CD player you look at in a new light.


For the first time you become aware of the existence of Phase I and you feel the need to retrace your steps to all the junk stores you've ever bin to in search of what you might have missed. You tell other people about your discovery of 8-track technology and they think you're nuts. You start to buy a variety of players because you want to have some back-ups in case your main one should break. (And for $3 it's even practical to have 3 or 4 of them laying around just in case.) Your collection of 8-tracks grows at a rate you never could afford before with any other format. At 25 cents a shot you even start to buy tapes of bands you always hated-just for the fun of it. There becomes no limit to the amount of back-up players you own. The realization that they don't make them anymore-as well as the price-keeps you fixated.


For some Phase III is permanent, an endless loop. But it is an illusion to think that Phase III is the end. Even if you aren't consciously aware of it-as surely as Program IV follows Program III-there are new heights to be reached and one day you will pass on to Phase IV.


Phase IV: The Endless Loop (Record)

Again another shift of consciousness and this one permeates the Body and Mind. Before, 8-tracks stood out from Reality, in fact they actually jumped out at you. Now they are Reality. The borderline between life and 8-tracks, once so definite, begins to fade away. At this point the 8 Noble Truths of The 8-Track Mind-which you already know by heart-take on a new expanded meaning. They begin to apply to all areas of life, both inner, outer and in-between. They relate to every situation all the time. Although it is possible at this stage to retain the fervor and excitement of Phase II, most people will gradually begin to take 8-track into stride. You move along effortlessly, like a well oiled machine. You begin to sense a comforting feeling from just knowing that 8-track technology exits in the world for those who can appreciate it. Knowing there exists people still in Phase I doesn't bother you anymore. It's all the same. People buying and listening to 8-Tracks along with people ignoring or ridiculing 8-Tracks. All the same. It makes no difference.


For you it is the same bliss. You have your 8-track player and your back-ups and your favorite tapes and it's all just right. You no longer have anxiety about the 8-tracks you've heard about that you don't own and might never own. (You're just happy that they exist) Soon after entering Phase IV the newest issue of 8-Track Mind will arrive in the mail. There is no longer the urge to read it immediately. Just the knowledge that it exists is satisfying and brings happiness. Then calmly, when the time is right, you will sit down and read it from cover to cover with a smile and a knowing that transcends all. You decide to send in your subscription before it runs out. You don't take those kind of chances.


You no longer try to convince Phase I people of the existence of 8-track. You let them be. You are no longer pissed off at digital technology. You just look at it and laugh. You no longer scour the shops for tapes but if you chance upon a good one you buy it. You feel generous and its not uncommon to give a really great tape to a friend who has recently entered

8-Track Mind although still in Phase II or III. You share your experiences and enthusiasm with other like minded friends and leave the rest to fate. You no longer despair when a tape is eaten by your player or when one of your players die. You have reached 8-Track Mind and all is well.



The master said "Before realizing 8-Track Mind-Music is Music and Life is Life."

"After realizing 8-Track Mind-Music is Music and Life is Life."

The student asks "So what is the difference?"

The master replies "Difference?"



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